Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Bussiness Letter (Insurance)

Mr. Antonio Sabra
Sophie Martin Paris Marketing Officer
Carina Build, Rawapening Street, 155 Surabaya, East Java

Dear Mr. Antonio:
Relating to my order before, I want to ask you about the delivery safety. Are my orders had insurance for its safety? I’ve been order something several weeks ago via online, but when the goods arrive I felt disappointed. Some of them were broke and it didn’t have insurance. It makes me sad. Please explain to me more about the safety of your delivery order. Thank you.

Truly yours,
Nike D.C

Dear Ms. Nike:
Thank you for your kind attention. Here I want to explain you that all of our delivery order was guaranteed by Sophie Martin Paris. If there are some damage of those items caused of our mistakes, we are ready to give the change as the guaranty which we will send on 6541 187772 1 997 BRI account.

Mr. Antonio Sabra

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